Marseilles is heading to Springfield in hopes of getting approval for a new city boat launch. See Mayor Hollenbecks’ Facebook post below.
As most have been aware the city had been attempting to exchange property with NUCOR in order to obtain 9 acres of River Front Property to develop a “CITY” boat launch and park area. The property exchange is complete and on July 1st. IDNR Opened up their Grant program until September 1st. It is a very short window for us to get all of our work done as IDNR wants it on their desk by August 19th. Part of the grant is graded on community support. Therefore, letters of support can be sent to the attention of Mayor Jim Hollenbeck at Marseilles City Hall. Letters of support can also be emailed to I would note that having a City Boat Launch on the North side of the river can expedite the fire departments response in a life or death situation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at City Hall.
Mayor Jim Hollenbeck