Services For Older Adults

Bridges Senior Community Center, a program of Alternatives, is funded in part by grants from the Illinois department of aging, Western Illinois area Agency on Aging and United Way of the Illinois Valley. Donations are accepted but participants will not be denied services due to inability to donate.

Bridges Community Center offers information, education, recreation programs and support for older adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers. We provide support to Peru and the lower 27 townships in LaSalle County, IL.

Jennifer Johnson of Bridges Senior Center will be at City Hall to meet with our Community Seniors & help them with their issues. Please call to make an appointment by calling 815-431-8034 | 800-798-0988.

By Appt. 9-Noon

January 22

February 26

March 26

April 23

May 28

June 25

July 23

August 27

September 24

October 22

Nov 19-Appts Only-No Potluck

December- No Satellite Office

4th Wednesday

Potluck 12:30 Bingo 1:30

American Legion

571 Rutland Street